Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Tennis Elbow Campaign

I just finished working on 4 new Squidoo lenses for my Campaign on tennis elbow.


Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Chicken Coop Plans Campaign

Just finished creating 4 lenses about chicken coop plans of all subjects.

If you’re planning on raising chickens for any reason, whether it’s the economy or concern for the welfare of chickens, you’ll need a good set of plans to build a chicken coop. Maybe you want a good old fashioned hen house, or do you favour chicken tractors? Could be you’re looking for mobile chicken coop plans. Whatever you’re needs we can meet them at Plans For Chicken Coops.

With the state of the economy these days it makes good sense to save as much money as possible. If you can do that and improve the welfare of some of the worlds chickens that can only be a good thing. If all of us who can keep chickens did so we’d save millions of chickens from the misery of the battery farm.

If you have enough land to spare then it’s not a big undertaking to raise a few chickens, it won’t cost much to start up, and you’ll save money on eggs and chicken for the table, just don’t get too attached to them, they’re not pets remember.

Depending on where you live you may have to make sure that your chicken coop is strong enough to protect your chickens from marauding predators. It’s heartbreaking to go out and find all your chickens have been killed.

If you have kids or grand kids they’ll just love helping to look after the chickens and collecting the eggs, though they may not be so keen on eating chicken once they make the connection between what they’re feeding and what the Colonel’s serving up.

Learn all you need to know about raising chickens at Plans For Chicken Coops

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

How to get Tatoo Designs-A Test Lens

Created a new test lens on squidoo How to Get Tattoo Designs

Obviously its about where you can get designs for tattoos such as the biggest tattoo gallery on the internet TattoosByDesign

Wrote an accompanying article which was submitted to ezinearticles.com How to Get tattoo designs

Friday, 5 June 2009

Made two new squidoo test lenses to find out if they are in viable niches.



Will do an article each and some pinging and see what happens.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

One Week Marketing - New Campaign

Started another new campaign devoted to tinnitus. Created four new squidoo lenses

Monday, 11 May 2009

One Week Marketing Day 7

Working on squidoo again today as per instructions. Obviously working on both campaigns at the same time. First one has some lenses indexed, second one all lenses indexed by Google and generating traffic! Amazing, I've had normal websites which got almost no traffic after months.

So that's the end of my first "One Week Marketing" adventure. How do I feel? Extremely pleased actually, that's probably way too understated. But we've all seen "Internet Marketing" products hyped beyond belief.

Most important question does it deliver what it promises? Absolutely, If you make the effort you'll get results. How good will those results be? Depends on how well you do your keyword research etc. And that keep on top of it, this one week is only the start. But it's a heck of a good start!

I wasn't expecting to be rich by Sunday night so no disappointment on that score. But I do feel like I've actually achieved a lot, and I've learned a lot. Importantly I know I can do it again. And again, as often as I want to. So I feel like I'm building a business, And I will see results. In some ways Internet Marketing is like any other marketing business online or off. It's a numbers game. Knock enough doors (been there, done that) you will get sales. The best website in the world is no use without visitors. I've got visitors, what more can you say.

If you've been ripped off, let down, hoodwinked and lied to in your search for a way to make some money online. Get One Week Marketing It's that simple. It does exactly what it says.

If you want instant riches, you're on your own. I believe one guy requested a refund because the product requires "work". He should be out looking for a magic lamp.

Potpiegirl aka Jennifer Ledbetter is a success story. We should be eternally grateful that she's willing to share her knowledge. and unlike some (many) she replies to emails, she answers questions. You really can't ask for more!

If you're not looking for a pot of gold but you're willing to do a little work (seriously it's not hard) to change your life for the better,

Start today, start here One Week Marketing.

f you think I've made it sound like a simple idea you're right, If I've made it sound like a simple product I haven't done it justice......

I'm off to start work on campaign 3 and 4 and I've got an idea for number 5.........

One Week Marketing Day 6

Working on blog again today. Submitting RSS feeds , writing articles.
It's definitely getting easier now I'm more familiar with Squidoo. But I haven't done this much writing in ages. Not exactly strenuous, but still a little tiring by the end of the day. Must be all this thinking, I'm not used to it.

Friday, 8 May 2009

One Week Marketing Day 5

It really is good to have a day by day plan of action, really keeps you focused and motivated.
Creating a blog today for the "Panic Attack" campaign.
Looks as though this may involve more work than the "Shed Plans" campaign due to more competition.

One Week Marketing Day 4

Lenses still not indexed by Google, so repeating some Day 2 steps. Plus some new tasks and some more article writing.

A stunning result for the Shed plans lenses. I finished working at the computer at about 9.00pm last night. By 6.00 am this morning 5 out of seven lenses were indexed by Google. Amazing! The remaining 2 were not yet ranked by Squidoo apparently it 's just something to do with daily "cut-off" times. Not a problem, by early evening all 7 lenses
were indexed by big G.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Day 3 supplement

Not quite as strenuous or time consuming today so I created 7 lenses for my next campaign.

Monday, 4 May 2009

Day 3 Onward And Upward

Wow, today was a breeze compared to yesterday.

As my lenses were not yet indexed by google I'm going to be doing some "BumMarketing" or Article marketing to promote them.

It's all good stuff. I didn't know much about my chosen topic at the start of this campaign but now I can write a 300 word article with barely a glance at my notes. Intensive but satisfying.

Point of interest, it's really handy when working with maybe three websites at a time to be able to have them all open in separate tabs.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

One Week Marketing Day 2

Day 2.

Again pretty straight forward in theory. I qualified that with the "in theory" simply because you need to quite a bit of work with Squidoo. Now up to this point I had only created one lens on Squidoo, and that very recently. So If you're planning on becoming a "One Week Marketer" I would recommend you familiarise yourself with Squidoo first. It will simply make day 2 a little less frustrating then it was for me.

So day 2 tasks are completed. It took me a while longer than I thought, I'm familiar with doing things like writing blog posts and submitting feeds. It was my own lack of knowledge of squidoo which slowed me down. I'll tell you this, I know a lot more about it now!

I created 6 new lenses on Squidoo:

Natural Remedy For Panic Attacks

Controlling Our Panic Attacks

Panic Attack Signs And Symptoms

What Triggers Panic Attacks

Cure For Panic Attacks101

What I would recommend.

When you purchase One Week Marketing print out all the sections and bind or staple them into the relevant "manuals". clear your desk. You'll need to be making lots of notes and reading your instructions.

Get Firefox! If you're still using Internet explorer dump it now. Make sure you write down everything you do. Also save all your new information onto notepad or something similar. You're going to get lots of new login names, passwords etc. So create folders on your PC for all this stuff, and it's a good idea to save it all to a memory stick in case your PC gets fried by a power surge or something. You'd be heart broken if you lost all that hard work.

It is great to finally have a step by step action plan!

One Week Marketing Day One

Of to a pretty good start. Not too taxing, did some research to find topics for my marketing campaigns. Opened my new Squidoo account.

There's nothing here too complicated to understand even if you're a complete "newbie", pretty much a case of following instructions.

One Week Marketing

Okay, after years of messing around with "Internet Marketing" and getting hoodwinked, ripped-off, mislead, lied to etc, etc. I found "One Week Marketing" from Potpiegirl aka Jennifer Ledbetter.

Jennifer Ledbetter Who she? She's a wife and Mom from Georgia who figured out how to make money, even a good living on the Internet. She may tell you she "stumbled" on the method, but make no mistake Jennifer is a sharp cookie. She worked at it, she cracked it and she's willing to share it. (I think I'm in love).

So I jumped right in and......... No way, what kind of serial sucker do you think I am? Well okay, I'm a reformed serial sucker! So I read about the One Week Marketing Action Plan, and I read potpiegirls blog and I got her free "Squidoo 101" Squid who? You may ask as I did. Well it turns out the Squidoo web site is an invaluable marketing tool for those who don't want to spend any money in their marketing endeavours. Excellent news! Jennifer really makes the most of free methods available to marketers.

So I read more of Jennifer's posts and looked her other websites, and investigated her methods and here we are. I bought "One Week Marketing" and I'm going to get to work.